Learning From God’s Hiring Policy

When we consider the Parable of the Eleventh Hour Worker, something in us inherently feels a sense of injustice. Why should the one who worked an hour receive the same pay as the one who worked a full day? Nonetheless, this parable provides an important understanding for us about the nature of God’s Kingdom, and this is what we’ll be unpacking this weekend.

A Biblical Way To Approach A New Year

The start of a new year is always exciting. As Christians, we all want a word for the year and to know what lies ahead. Financial pundits seek to predict the markets, sports commentators assess the chances of sporting teams, and the church often joins in to try to peek into the future. However, this is really a foreign concept from a Biblical standpoint. How then does God’s Word tell us about starting a new year? This what we’ll be […]

A Relook at the Parable of the Good Samaritan

The Parable of the Good Samaritan is perhaps one of the most familiar Bible stories. Ask anyone in the streets and they’d most likely know of it. It’s so well-known that the phrase, ‘A Good Samaritan’ is now used to describe the extension of help and kindness to strangers. However, when Jesus told this parable, His intention was not to instruct us on ethics, but to answer a theological question. With its common usage, have we also forgotten what this […]

Samaritan Woman at the Well (Part 2)

In the 2nd part of our sermon series, we continue our exploration into Jesus’ encounter with the ‘Samaritan Woman At The Well’. It climaxes with Jesus revealing Himself as the Messiah, and providing answers to what truly fulfils in life. These are things to consider that will be ever more relevant in the days we’re living in.

Samaritan Woman At The Well

Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well is packed with details and nuances that brim with truths. This encounter was never meant to occur according to the customs and circumstances of those days. Yet, divine ‘coincidence’ laid out for us an exchange which conveys thoughts that are meant to reframe our thinking and methodology forever.

Jesus Outside of Jericho

The healing of blind Bartimaeus and the salvation of Zacchaeus is recorded for us from Luke 18:35 to 19:10. These two accounts seem separate but are deeply connected to each another. One occurred as Jesus was making His way towards Jericho, while the other as He exited from the same city. The parallels are uncanny and clearly intentional so that the divine may convey a single clear message to us.

Conflicts: The Good and The Bad

Conflict isn’t something that we desire or enjoy. We often wish that things would always remain harmonious in our relationships and in the work environment. However, conflicts are unavoidable and fulfil an important role. How then do we know when a conflict is constructive and when does it become destructive?

Finding Truth in Controversy

Jesus is incredibly compassionate, loving, and caring. He healed the sick, cast out demons, opened blind eyes, and performed miracles and wonders. But at the same time, He said some things that were quite controversial. It was as though He’d intentionally stir controversy so that He might awaken us to truth. Today, we don’t realise the context from which Jesus spoke, nor the stir He caused. Perhaps in recovering these controversies, we may also realise the truth He wants to […]

3 Doors In Revelations

The Book of Revelations is commonly associated with the end-times, but that really is not the focal point. Instead, Revelations is primarily about a revelation of Jesus Christ. At the start, we’re shown three doors. These doors anchor us for everything else that the book is going to speak about, and learning to work them is essential.

A Revolutionary Prayer (Part 2)

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He set out not just to teach us a format for how we’re to pray, but He set in motion an understanding of His heart. The Lord’s Prayer has such far-reaching impact that it revolutionises how we should see our faith as Christians. Beyond a routine recitation, we need to see what Christ has embedded in this prayer.