Generosity is a reflection of who God is and an expression of our love for Him. Thank you for partnering with us as we sow into His Kingdom.

UEN no: S95SS0118JE01
1. Log in to your banking app and scan the QR code.
2. Enter amount.
3. Enter your full name as reference.
4. Proceed to confirm transaction.
You may proceed with bank transfer with the following information.
Please indicate Cornerstone Community Church (CSCC) and your Full name in your transaction remarks or details.
Beneficiary Bank
Development Bank of Singapore
Swift Bank Identifier Code
Bank’s Address
12 Marina Boulevard, DBS Asia Central, Marina Bay
Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982
Bank Account Name
Cornerstone Community Church
Account No.
Beneficiary’s Address
11 East Coast Road, #03-01/02
The Odeon Katong,
Singapore 428722
If you would like to give via cash, you can do so by dropping it at our offering box during our weekend services (on-site).
You can also drop it at our office during our office operating hours listed below:
11 East Coast Road
The Odeon Katong #02-10, Singapore 428722
+65 6344 4733
Office Hours:
Tue – Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sat: 9am – 12pm
Our office and mainline will be closed on Sundays,
Mondays and Public Holidays
Please write cheques to
“Cornerstone Community Church”,
and please do not post-date them.
Crossed-payee cheques may be mailed to our office at:
11 East Coast Road #03-01/02 Odeon Katong,
Singapore 428722,
OR you can drop it at the office during office hours listed here:
Office Hours:
Tue – Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sat: 9am – 12pm
Our office and mainline will be closed on Sundays, Mondays
and Public Holidays
Give online with your debit or credit card.

UEN no: S95SS0118JBF1
1. Log in to your banking app and scan the QR code.
2. Enter amount.
3. Enter your full name as reference.
4. Proceed to confirm transaction.

UEN no: S95SS0118JMS1
1. Log in to your banking app and scan the QR code.
2. Enter amount.
3. Enter your full name as reference.
4. Proceed to confirm transaction.

UEN no: S95SS0118JWP1
1. Log in to your banking app and scan the QR code.
2. Enter amount.
3. Enter your full name as reference.
4. Proceed to confirm transaction.

UEN no: S95SS0118JB01
1. Log in to your banking app and scan the QR code.
2. Enter amount.
3. Enter your full name as reference.
4. Proceed to confirm transaction.

UEN no: S95SS0118JF01
1. Log in to your banking app and scan the QR code.
2. Enter amount.
3. Enter your full name as reference.
4. Proceed to confirm transaction.

UEN no: S95SS0118JCH1
1. Log in to your banking app and scan the QR code.
2. Enter amount.
3. Enter your full name as reference.
4. Proceed to confirm transaction.

UEN no: S95SS0118JMY1
1. Log in to your banking app and scan the QR code.
2. Enter amount.
3. Enter your full name as reference.
4. Proceed to confirm transaction.

UEN no: S95SS0118JTM1
1. Log in to your banking app and scan the QR code.
2. Enter amount.
3. Enter your full name as reference.
4. Proceed to confirm transaction.

UEN no: S95SS0118JTE1
1. Log in to your banking app and scan the QR code.
2. Enter amount.
3. Enter your full name as reference.
4. Proceed to confirm transaction.