Healed from Sinusitis

I had sinusitis since young and in recent years, the condition worsened to the point that I had to keep a nasal spray with me as a preventive measure, in the event that I get a sinus reaction. In 2006, I had a high fever for nearly a week and had to visit A&E twice because of sinus infection. After I recovered, I was recommended by the hospital to consult a nose specialist. I went for a few follow up sessions and was told that I can either take several tests to determine the cause of my sinusitis problem or have a sinusitis surgery to correct my nose bridge (which was slightly crooked on the inside).

For some reasons, I just did not want to follow it through and it was at this point that I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to ask the Lord for healing and to really start believing that God is my healer.

Sinusitis had a big impact in my life as it altered my lifestyle – I had to restrain myself from drinking water after 8pm, ensure that I did not lack rest, and avoid dusty environment and most of all, I experience difficulties in merely breathing normally. Sometimes I found myself short of breath because of the blocked nose but it had become so much a part of my life.

I had been praying on and off for healing and was always challenged by the Holy Spirit to respond to altar calls for healing. However, I did not persist as I somehow felt that sinusitis is not a life-threatening sickness and usually, when people talk about healing, they always meant bigger problems like cancer or some handicaps. Besides, I could bear with it or so I thought.

Recently, I signed up for a diving trip and was quite concerned regarding the breathing technique that was required in diving. If I could not breath properly, it could be a life threatening issue. So I prayed to the Lord about my fears and concerns, focussing on the hope that my sinus would not react during the diving period but I guess God had a better deal for me.

That week, I attended the Saturday service because as I had a pool diving session on Sunday. When Pastor Yang took over from the worship leader, he prayed about healing for the service. I wondered to myself if it would be a healing service. During the preaching, the guest speaker, Pastor Steven, was sharing on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and at some point, he was sharing on some of the healing experiences.

I felt strongly the Lord prompted me to ask for healing for my sinusitis, so I decided in my heart that if there was an altar call for healing, I would respond. When Pastor Steven felt the Lord wanted to pray for people with sinusitis, I felt the confirmation and promptly made my way down. I knew and believed that God really did want to heal me that night. I felt the immediate healing when I was prayed for. I did not even realise that I had a thick phelgm stuck at the back of my throat that was causing me breathing problems. When Pastor Steven prayed for me, I felt the phelgm was removed and I could suddenly breath normally.

The next day I did not have the usual sinusitis. I woke up the next morning and did not need to clear my nose anymore. I went through my pool dive session without any breathing problems too. I believe I have been fully healed! Praise God for His healing and for giving faith to the faithless.

I would also like to thank Pastor Steven for his healing ministry that has set me free from a problem I have been struggling with for years. I hope this will be an encouragement to you because I have been very encouraged by the Lord.

by Joyce Chen

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