A Glorious Church

At His bidding, we open our wallets, our hands, and our homes. When called upon, we lay down our lives. We’re not perfect but, by any standard, the Bride of Christ sure is a beautiful thing to behold.
Cells – The Cradle of Circumcision

Ever wonder why Jesus chose to become a ‘Cell Leader’ for a group of 11 temperamentally-diverse tradesmen, and 1 morally-challenged treasurer? By the anointing of the Holy Spirit, He was already perfect and powerful, so why would He want to fraternise with this ragtag bunch of disciples? I guess it was for the same reason that He chose to get baptised, even though He was sinless, and allowed Himself to be cruelly crucified, loving His enemies right to the end. […]
The Circle Dance of Love

Faith in God is deeply personal. It draws each person into a saving, transforming relationship through Jesus Christ. But our Christian walk is never meant to be individualistic – we’re meant to co-exist with others in relationships. How countercultural! To the post-modern mind, authentic relationships may not always be a first consideration. “Who needs it? I want to be a self-made man.” Without even realising it, the assumed baseline for life today is the trinity of ‘me, I, and myself’. When Jesus […]
The Perils of Overcrowding

Over the past few months, we’ve been having a recurrent problem. Whenever the services end a few minutes late, the queues will snake from the entrance of our church all the way down to the ground floor and go right out of the building, sometimes reaching even Katong Shopping Centre. Whilst this might seem a good problem to have, believe me, in the long run, it’ll begin to wear on the people in the queue. Apart from this, we’ve been […]
The Afterglow of the Spirit

What an amazing week we had during Kingdom Invasion 2016. I’m certain most of us are still in the afterglow of the Spirit; I am for sure! This is our fourth Kingdom Invasion Conference and after the last conference in 2014, I was almost certain we reached a high water mark. But KI2016 surpassed everything we accomplished in all our previous conferences. We’re building one level of glory on another. I was extremely blessed by all the speakers. They were […]