Like David

The deepest longing in our hearts, the “Abba!” cry of our spirits and our constant prayer, should be to be transformed – or, to be more precise, to be conformed into God’s likeness. That’s why Zechariah’s prophetic prescription in Zechariah 12:8 is so stirring:  ‘(The weakest among us) in that day shall be like David…’ (my paraphrase). He speaks of a day when we’ll display the dignified qualities of royal heirs of the King of Heaven. It’s the culmination of […]


I turn 63 this year, and have lived more yesterdays than tomorrows. This simply means I cannot afford to spend time on the peripheral issues in life. The need to be focused is greater now than ever. There’s tremendous power in a focused life. The apostle Paul says, “This one thing I do… Forgetting the things in the past, I press on.” He was not all over the place like so many Christians today – he lived a very focused life.  […]