Building Fences

There are special moments in your life when Jesus beckons you to come away with Him to be refreshed and refilled in His Presence. I was blessed with just such an opportunity at a recent conference by joining a band of Burning Hearts infused with one magnificent obsession – to worship and exalt Jesus alone. During one worship session, a line from a song by Caleb Andrews captivated me and began swirling in my spirit. ‘I’m building fences around the precious, […]

<strong>Who</strong>’<strong>s Calling?</strong>

I was in a delightful dinner conversation with a young and gifted worship leader from Nashville last week when I decided to steer the topic towards her dating history. As she was recounting her reasons for breaking up with the last guy, she casually quoted something her pastor had mentioned in church – and I was immediately arrested.  This is what he said, “Your calling is a Person, and He will give you your assignments.”  The profundity of this simple […]


The dictionary defines a transition as the process or period of changing from one state or condition to another. I define it as semi-colons in the long sentence of our lifetime when God prepares to move us from one level of our calling / purpose / assignment up to the next.  A transition is meant to be transitory. Its timespan depends on our maturity level, obedience quotient, and measure of faith. Exceed the ‘sell-by’ date of our transition phase and […]

Smoked Wineskins

And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the new wine would burst the wineskins, spilling the wine and ruining the skins.’ Luke 5:37 When religious legalism and its pharisaical trappings reigned supreme, Jesus stepped down from the realms of glory to usher in the new age of freedom in His Name. He was the ultimate ‘New Wineskin’ spoken of in Luke 5:37. His final gasp as He hung on the tree, “Tetelestai,” was a resounding and deafening […]

<strong>Until Your Hair Is White</strong>

I turned 61 last week and the first Whatsapp message I read was from my firstborn who, after wishing me a happy birthday, informed me that, since 61 is a prime number, I’m still in the prime of my life. What a happy message to set my eyes on first thing in the morning. I don’t know about you, but I love birthdays, and I’m quite enjoying growing older because, with each swiftly passing year, the reality of the GOODNESS of […]

The Year Of Only Jesus!

I recently read an article posted by about a Twitter thread from Beth Moore, in which she apologised on behalf of our generation for doing a great disservice to the younger generation. She ruefully regretted that it had been on our watch that the Platform culture and Christian Celebrity culture had successfully infiltrated the Church. I couldn’t have been more proud of this anointed woman of God. It had taken one honest, fearless woman to finally address the elephant […]

Mary’s Christmas

In the lead up to perhaps one of the most celebrated festivities of the year, let’s take a relook at Christmas. Granted that Jesus is the reason for this season, we now turn the spotlight on the one through whom it happened – Mary. Can you imagine if Mary had refused to cooperate with angel Gabriel’s heavenly directive? Think about it. Here’s this carefree teenager excitedly planning and awaiting her marriage to the brawny, bearded carpenter she’s been betrothed to, […]

Loathsome Lukewarmness

I’m certain that the Epicurean Church, usually in her finest element when discussing prime restaurants to indulge her gourmet as well as gourmand appetites, would wholly concur with this biblical statement of fact: lukewarmness is revolting! To this end, the Church and her Christ would be in complete and perfect agreement. There’d be no avenue for splitting interpretative or prophetic hairs here and no scope for creating rival theological camps.  Clearly and simply stated, the Lord loathes lukewarmness!  Now, while […]

The Overcoming

I turned 60 this March, and was one excited sexagenarian, anticipating what this next decade would bring my way, and extremely eager to have a glimpse of where the Lord would lead in this new season.  My fifties had been an absolute blast, and I attribute this totally to visiting Israel in my Jubilee year in obedience to the Lord for something difficult He had been prompting me to do.  The rewards for that step of obedience had been immense. […]

Jehovah Jealous – What An Awesome Name!

Ever wonder why ‘Jealous’ has never been on the Top Ten List of Popular Baby Names? In so many cultures (including ours), parents have marked their children for life with the weirdest names ever – but I’ve yet to be formally introduced to any Jealous Jones, Jealous Jiang, Jealous Jagannath or Jealous Jalil. Nope, not a fashionable name at all. And yet, Moses, that great Prophet and Friend of God, tells us that we shall worship no other god, for […]